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Curricular Goals

If we want children to be successful learners, we have to teach them to think for themselves, to solve problems, and to get along with others. we must all understand

the value of play and it's role in helping the children acquire these abilities that will

ensure further academic success.

Play, and the social interaction that occurs through play, is your child's prime

educator. We place great emphasis on developing pro-social behavior among

the children. With assistance of the teacher, children learn to resolve their conflicts

verbally, share toys and materials, help others in need, and respect the rights of


Helping children experience a sense of self-esteem,

once of the main factors influencing future success

is a very important goal of our school. We want the 

children to feel proud of their heritage, stand up for

their rights, and demonstrate increasing


As your child develops physical skills he/she becomes

more coordinated, masters richer environment, and develops

a better self concept. Many activities are provided to enhance and refine gross

and fine motor skills. Blocks, climbing equipment, tricycles, slides, painting,

play-dough, and cutting are some of the activities that help children develop



Cognitively we want your child to acquire learning and problem solving skills and
expand logical thinking so that he/she can classify objects, recall sequences, and recognize patterns and repeat them. We are constantly expanding verbal communication skills.

The goal of Gan Dalia's academy program is to provide a safe and nurturing environment to meet the individuals needs of it's students. A strong commitment is made to respect the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each child.

Enroll Now!

Already made your decision? Enroll your children now for the year/ and or summer before spots fill!

Sample Programs

  • Shabbat

  • Jewish Holiday Festivities

  • Challah Making

  • Dancing

  • Gymnastics

  • Grandparents Day

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